Event Date:
May 21, 2025
Event Time:
10:00 am
Event Location:
Elmwood Park Zoo
Please join us for the 2025 May Social!
This year’s event is bringing something special:
This year’s social will feature not only our usual cocktail party but also an entire days’ worth of fun for you and your family!
Each attendee will receive a day pass to the zoo followed by a cocktail party which begins at 5:30 PM. The evening’s fare includes a selection of butlered and station hors d’oeuvres, desserts, coffee, tea, and a cash bar.
Venue Information:
The Elmwood Park Zoo (, founded in 1924 and located at 1661 Harding Boulevard, in Norristown, PA, is one of only 230 institutions accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. The Zoo maintains a collection of over 100 species that hail from all over the globe, including giraffes, zebras, bald and golden eagles, jaguars, and red pandas. Numerous species at the Zoo are managed pursuant to an international Species Survival Plan which seeks to maintain and increase the size of animal populations that are under the largest threat of extinction. The Zoo also features other species which represent significant wildlife conservation success stories, such as the American bison, peregrine falcon, bald eagle, and American alligator.
Prior to the cocktail party which begins at 5:30 PM, take in the many fascinating sights and experiences at the Zoo with family and friends, including observing the many animal species up close and personal (perhaps even feeding a giraffe, an otter or a porcupine! See details at, or just hanging out at the Zoo Brew Beer Garden or Gift Shop, among other activities.
Additional Event Information:
Event One: Daytime Admission to the Zoo Attractions
Zoo Operating Hours: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Check-in: Guests will receive a wristband upon arrival at the zoo between the normal operating hours. At 5:00 pm the zoo closes, our guests will be required to exit the zoo and wait until 5:30 pm to access Canopy Gardens Hall.
Event Two: Cocktail Party at Canopy Gardens Hall (guests are restricted to the event location)
Event Time: 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Check-in: Guests will arrive at the front of the zoo after 5:00 pm and at 5:30 pm staff will grant access to Canopy Gardens Hall.
Registration Information:
In order to ensure an accurate headcount all attendees are required to pay a conditional deposit of $45.00 for Adults & $25 for Children (Ages 3 – 12)
A full refund of the registration deposit ($45.00/adult and $25.00/child) will be given to everyone who attends.
ASA Chapter members and guests must register for the Cocktail Party and pay the registration deposit.
The registrants must also provide the names of all adults and children planning to visit the daytime zoo attractions. Please include the names of all attendees in the Order Notes section at checkout. No additional deposit is required for attendance at the zoo.
We hope to see you on May 21st!