Jon Geeting, a members of 5th Square shared how the organization is working to improve Philadelphia and the region at the ASA Philadelphia November General Meeting.
5th Square is Philly’s urbanist political action committee. They formed in 2014 to support candidates for local elected office who are committed to policy change in the areas of transportation, land use, and public space, and to advance a vision for a more accessible, sustainable and equitable Philadelphia for all residents.
The name 5th Square refers to the last of Philadelphia’s five original public squares, Centre Square, the seat of City Hall, and the heart of our rapid transit network. It’s the literal convergence of politics, transportation, and public space in Philly’s metropolitan center.
Key elements of the 5th Square platform include zoning reform to support the development of more housing, amenities and jobs in the region, support for building livable communities with bike paths and transit oriented development and ensuring that we invest in our natural and cultural assets.
During campaign season, the organization rates candidates for local and state office based on their voting records, campaign positions, and support for urbanist policy goals. They then endorse, fund, and provide volunteer support for the candidates best positioned to advance our mission. Between elections, 5th Square engages in issue advocacy and rapid response to legislation, hosts events, and provides political support to other urbanist advocates, organizations, and campaigns.
5th Square is a nonpartisan political action committee (PAC) organized within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, co-chaired by Jake Liefer and Dena Driscoll. It is supported by a large extended family of volunteers and activists, along with over 500 small donors.
You can sign up for their weekly newsletter, which reaches over 10,000 subscribers each week. Learn more at their website.